Google Chrome made lot of news in first two quarters of the year. But the new Browser war has started Opera has unveiled this opera 11 beta
Mozilla is trying its best to bring Mozilla 4 . But making news in 3rd and fourth quarters of year is Microsoft’s Internet Explorer 9.
Here is a look at its beta Version.
I personally recommend downloading Internet Explorer 9. For its ease of use, Lots of features, Hardware acceleration and fast browsing.
Pin sites to your task bar for instant navigation
Keep your downloads in order with Download Manager
See two tabs side-by-side with Tear-off tabs
The New Tab page
Type a search term in the address bar to find what you’re looking for
Experience better browsing with Add-on Performance Advisor.
Mozilla is trying its best to bring Mozilla 4 . But making news in 3rd and fourth quarters of year is Microsoft’s Internet Explorer 9.
Here is a look at its beta Version.
I personally recommend downloading Internet Explorer 9. For its ease of use, Lots of features, Hardware acceleration and fast browsing.
What’s new in Internet Explorer 9?
The new graphic capabilities and improved performance in Internet Explorer 9 set the stage for immersive and rich experiences. Hardware-accelerated text, video, and graphics mean your websites perform like the programs that are installed on your computer. High-definition videos are smooth, graphics are clear and responsive, colors are true, and websites are interactive like never before. With subsystem enhancements like Chakra, the new JavaScript engine, websites and applications load faster and are more responsive. Combine Internet Explorer 9 with the powerful graphics capabilities that Windows 7 has to offer, and you’ll get the best web experience on Windows yet.For Internet Explorer 9, rendering of graphics, text, and video has been moved from the CPU to the graphics card.See it in action at
Chakra interprets, compiles, and executes code in parallel, taking advantage of multi-CPU cores through Windows and the computer’s hardware.
Installs faster, starts faster
The shorter, streamlined installation of Internet Explorer 9 is faster than previous versions. It requires fewer decisions on your part, takes less time to load pages, and doesn’t require that you install updates separately. Once it’s installed, you’re ready to start browsing.Networking and caching improvements mean Internet Explorer 9 performs far fewer HTTP requests when navigating.
The new graphic capabilities and improved performance in Internet Explorer 9 set the stage for immersive and rich experiences. Hardware-accelerated text, video, and graphics mean your websites perform like the programs that are installed on your computer. High-definition videos are smooth, graphics are clear and responsive, colors are true, and websites are interactive like never before. With subsystem enhancements like Chakra, the new JavaScript engine, websites and applications load faster and are more responsive. Combine Internet Explorer 9 with the powerful graphics capabilities that Windows 7 has to offer, and you’ll get the best web experience on Windows yet.For Internet Explorer 9, rendering of graphics, text, and video has been moved from the CPU to the graphics card.See it in action at
Chakra interprets, compiles, and executes code in parallel, taking advantage of multi-CPU cores through Windows and the computer’s hardware.
Installs faster, starts faster
The shorter, streamlined installation of Internet Explorer 9 is faster than previous versions. It requires fewer decisions on your part, takes less time to load pages, and doesn’t require that you install updates separately. Once it’s installed, you’re ready to start browsing.Networking and caching improvements mean Internet Explorer 9 performs far fewer HTTP requests when navigating.
Streamlined design
The first thing you’ll notice when you open Internet Explorer 9 is the compact user interface. Most command bar functions, like Print or Zoom, can now be accessed by clicking the Tools button, and your favorites appear when you click the Favorites button. Otherwise, Internet Explorer gives you the basic controls you need, and lets the web take center stage.

Internet Explorer 9 puts the focus on the web.
Pinned Sites
If you visit certain webpages regularly, Pinned Sites allows you access them directly from the taskbar on your Windows 7 desktop.

Download Manager
Download Manager is a powerful new feature that keeps a running list of the files you download from the Internet and notifies you when a file could be malicious. It also lets you pause and restart a download—if you have a slow internet connection—and shows you where to find downloaded files on your computer. You can clear the list at any time.

Enhanced tabs
Tabbed browsing allows you to move easily between multiple open webpages in a single window, but there might be times when you want to look at two tabbed pages at the same time. Tear-off tabs allow you to drag a tab out of Internet Explorer to open the tab’s webpage in a new window, and Snap it for side-by-side viewing.

New Tab page
The redesigned New Tab page displays the sites you visit most often and color codes them for quick navigation. A site indicator bar also shows how often you visit each site, and you can remove or hide the displayed sites anytime you like.

Search in the address bar
You can now search directly from the address bar. If you enter a website’s address, you’ll go directly to the website. If you enter a search term or incomplete address, you will launch a search using the currently selected search engine. Click the address bar to select your search engine from the listed icons or to add new ones.

Notification Bar
The Notification Bar that appears at the bottom of Internet Explorer gives you important status information when you need it, but it won’t force you to click a series of messages to continue browsing
Add-on Performance Advisor
Add-ons, such as toolbars, can enhance your browsing experience, but they can also slow it down. Add-on Performance Advisor tells you if an add-on is slowing down your browser performance, and then allow you to disable or remove it.

you can check this features and also you can checkyour browser performance at
Download Internet Explorer 9 from