Have you ever have gone through the problem when your team is at different locations and has access to different machines or computers or platforms for an important project and they are not able to collaborate properly and it has led to delays in your delivery schedules , dead lines etc.
You may find many programs which claim to work on different platforms but actually they are working only on desktop. It is extremely hard to find good apps which work with mobile also. As the reach and penetration of smart phone increase there will be a need of applications which are highly optimized for use with smartphones. But in this case the word processors of our world have not kept up with this changing technologies Microsoft although they are trying to bring many technologies for mobile but still they haven’t been able to adapt the famous office suite properly for mobile.
It has been almost three decades since the word processors  have been launched and they have not are kept up with the today’s world.It is hard to find a good word processor which can work on different  platforms and  so here is a great application launched by a former for Facebook CTO Bret Taylor and  ex-Googler Kevin Gibbs, it is called as “Quip” an collaborative word processor and a message system. 
Actually it is mixture of both Word and Mobile Messenger. Specialty of Quip is that it adapts to the screen size of your gadget , no matter if it is smartphone, phablet, tablet or desktop. Although quip works online at  www.quip.com but it specifically designed for mobile. Currently the company has launched a online version of the mobile version for android and  apple IOS.

 “Quip is useful for all those are entrepreneurs, product managers, working people, small business owners who have teams working in different locations”. 
Now many companies are adopting the policies of Bring Your Own Device(BYOD) hence there is a  requirement of such cross platform document collaboration tool. Quip has timed the release of its service at a perfect time. You can use the desktop version on your browser as well as android version on android phones and apple version IOS.

Basically quip is modern word processor which has been highly optimised for the era of handheld phones  and tablets. You can use Quip  to import files from Dropbox, Google drive and Evernote. All though makers of Quip say that it is not specifically made for business users but it can still be used by the business users for creating and sharing the documents.The documents are mixed and combined into are single thread just like in an chat application which allows multiple collaborators to edit the same document.

Users are allowed to share any document with other users.
When your teammates open the document you’ll get a notification. This helps you join the club of ongoing work and help you to walk them through  the document using Quip’s internal messaging system. Currently you are allowed you to share your document via e-mail also you to can print your document and save in pdf format. I hope that the next update which comes will allow us to import word documents and also save in word format.
As open  www.quip.com i;e Quip’s Website. On the start page you will get links to application for Apple app store as well as Android Play Store. You would see a link for signing up. As soon as you sign up, Quip will show all the documents which are there in your Quip Account, which will be shown on your home screen. You will get one document “Introduction to Quip”. 

In that document you will get information what is Quip, how to edit documents, how to save them, what are the keyboard shortcuts. You can also mention people and documents by using @symbol. Also the document has an information how to send messages or  how to share your documents. Whenever a change  is made to a document ,called as Diff i;e document edit is added to the thread. This shows you and visual of what exactly has been changed .

 Diff helps you in staying up-to-date with out having to go through the entire document .

 You can check the introduction to Quip and find out the amazing features offered by Quip. Hope this article help you in getting an overview of Quip so i am enclosing the links of Google Android Play store and Apple store. If you come across any problems can definitely write to me: techimpressions2@gmail.com

Quip Google Play | Quip Apple app store
Desktop www.quip.com

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