These are my personal favorites and good reads on Google play store.

Nikola Tesla 

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Tesla obtained around 300 patents worldwide for his inventions.
If you want to learn about one of history’s most fascinating minds and uncover some of his secrets of imagination—secrets that enabled him to invent machines light years ahead of his time and literally bring light to the world—then you want to read this book. 

Read this book now and learn lessons from Nikola Tesla on why imagination is so vital to awakening your inner genius, and insights into the real “secret” to creativity, as explained by people like Jobs, Picasso, Dali, and Twain.

Time Machine

Google Play Store

This classical science fiction by H.G.Wells is a true masterpiece about the imagination of a human mind.

The Time Traveller, a dreamer obsessed with traveling through time, builds himself a time machine and, much to his surprise, travels over 800,000 years into the future. He lands in the year 802701: the world has been transformed by a society living in apparent harmony and bliss, but as the Traveler stays in the future he discovers a hidden barbaric and depraved subterranean class. Wells’s transparent commentary on the capitalist society was an instant bestseller and launched the time-travel genre.The Time Machine inspired the international bestseller The Map of Time by Félix J. Palma. As a gift to our readers, we are including the first three chapters of The Map of Time in this ebook edition.  

Alexander the Great: The Macedonian Who Conquered the World

Google Play Store

Few stories better illustrate this better than the life of one of the most extraordinary warriors the world has even known; a man of legendary ambition, will, and grit: Alexander the Great.

War of the Worlds

Google Play Store

Another classic science fiction by H.G.Wells
The chilling novel account of a Martian invasion of London in the nineteenth century—a science fiction classic for all time.

Industrial Internet

Google Play Store

Want to understand how internet of things works in industrial environment and what will be its future?
Check this report from General Electric

Consumer networks have revolutionized the way companies understand and reach their customers, making possible intricate measurement and accurate prediction at every step of every transaction. The same revolution is underway in our infrastructure, where new generations of sensor-laden power plants, cars and medical devices will generate vast quantities of data that could bring about improvements in quality, reliability and cost. Big machines will enter the modern era of big data, where they’ll be subject to constant analysis and optimization.

The promise of the industrial internet is that it will bring intelligence to industries that are capital-intensive and create broad value that all of the industrial internet’s participants will share.
This report examines the industrial internet across several industries. It describes both near-term efforts as well as the longer-term development that will emerge as software and machines further integrate.

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